Da Coach O (or "DACOACHO") refers to former Ole Miss head coach, USC assistant, and current LSU head coach Ed Orgeron.
Distinctive Speech[]
Da Coach O is of Cajun descent, and thus his spoken words are nearly incomprehesible. Even in written form, understanding Da Coach O's diction can be a challenge. For example, in the following rant Da Coach O, in a story originally posted at EDSBS on November 19, 2007 ("DA COACH O DONNAUNDASTAND DA PILLATHEFT ,") tries to understand 20 of his Ole Miss players allegedly stealing pillows from a hotel:
"OOOOOOO DaCoachO donnaunnastandhoww daOleMissaWildBoyz stealapillahs frommadahotel!CoachOgonnaevahextreme tomakkah daOleMissaRebbah sohappahatta daOleMissahcampus. Nowdeygonnaroon dareputashunuhdaschool fohthirtypillahs annasixclokkaradios! CoachO gonnahdrinkkaeightaRedBull annasevenpacksabeefjerkeh ahjussathinkinboutit!
Firssawesleepinabarnna likkaonebiggahappyfamluh! Nopillahsjustaeverahoneonnadastraw, keepinwarmwiffadahorsesannadaanimals offadafarm. ButtadaWildBoyzcomplainnaboutdacold, dainsectwhatbiteinthenight, annawakinnaup wiffadaCoachOtrynarippadaheadoff inadreamabout fightinonewhoppaoffagatah! OOOO-WEEEE datwassomefunnahtimes! Buttahplayarevolt gotteminnadadorms wiffadapillahsanpipeheatanalldat.
Buttanow, playahstakin dapillahzfrommadahotel, annaCoachogottadasolutionfromma supplahanddademandside. Firssahsuspendalltwennyofum; thenwehittadahboostahmen fodahclinchah indarecrootinprocessah thattahgettahdemOleMissRebbah todaESSEESEE ahChampyunshippah: